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How To Turn Fear Into Fuel

We all have moments where fear can stop us right in our tracks.  We start looking at all the things going wrong and become scared of what’s to come.  Sometimes life hands us situations that seem like a challenge and obstacle and that’s when most of us give up on the thing we want.  We allow that fear to consume us and feed into it. We can’t see the gift in the challenge, that opportunity for growth and discovery.

So how do we turn fear into something positive, into something that can benefit us and allow us to receive what we truly want?  We first have become AWARE of what is making us scared. Becoming aware of why we are afraid, can help us get clear on what we do want.  When we know what we DON’T want, that helps us understand what we DO want. Anytime you experience a situation where you can easily list out all the things you don’t like about it, stop for a second and become conscious of the moment you can flip your story.


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How to Find Your Value

How to Find Your Value

Have you ever continually given to another person only to realize that your intentions have been taken advantage of and now you’ve suddenly become that person’s doormat? Sounds familiar?  Well this past week I was someone’s doormat and I had the opportunity to think about what was going on inside of me to have reflected this experience.

I am a firm believer that your outer reality is a direct reflection of your inner world.  The interaction I had with this person was leaving me feeling frustrated and annoyed. The behavior I received from this person had me questioning how I really felt about myself to attract this into my life.  When someone talks down to you or treats you in a way that doesn’t feel good usually you wonder why it’s happening. Why isn’t this person giving you what you want?

When I sat down to think about what I wasn’t receiving from this person, I also asked myself what was I NOT giving...

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This One Thing Will Change Your Life

Have you ever had days where you feel like everything that could get you down, does? Roadblocks keep showing up, feelings of overwhelm takes over, and sometimes just staying in bed under the covers seem like the best option.

That pretty much summarizes my last week. Yes, I said it, even as a Law of Attraction Coach I do experience those moments.  When moments like that show up it forces me to look at my situation and focus on what I want rather than the lack of what I am observing.

There was a time last week where I was absorbing everything around me not knowing exactly what to do or how to handle the issues that were popping up.  It felt like time was standing still and I saw in slow motion all of these problems circling me, and holding me in my position unable to move. Fear and anxiety started creeping in along with their friends worry and overwhelm.  I don’t like them by the way.

As humans we try and control everything.  It’s in our nature to come...

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3 Questions To Ask Yourself When Youโ€™re Feeling Stuck

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change” Dr. Wayne Dyer

Life often presents us with situations that make us question our actions, thoughts and sometimes even our beliefs.  We over analyze things and try to make sense of what’s in front of us. As humans, we are conditioned to focus on what we observe and give all of our attention to it.  We become stuck in a repetitive cycle that leaves us feeling hopeless.

As a Law of Attraction coach, I can’t speak enough on how important it is to understand that whatever you send out you get back.  The Law of Attraction states “That which is like unto itself is drawn.” Or simply put, “Like attracts like.” This means that what you are focused on, you draw to you.  Here’s how it works. When you are focused on what you want, you are attracting to you what you want. When you are focused on what you do not want, you are attracting to you what...

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Change Begins With This One Thing

Have you ever found yourself wanting to change something in your life but repeating the same old habits? You’re not alone.  Back in the days, I would get very clear in what I wanted to change but when it came down to it, I rarely ever did anything about it.  It was as if I was paralyzed in my own step and the only thing I did know was how to repeat the same old destructive patterns that kept me stuck.  In my mind I thought, well at least I had good intentions. Little did I know back then, that your intentions mean nothing unless you are willing to take the action steps after you get clear on what you want.

So what am I getting at today?  More often than not I see people struggling with certain situations and circumstances in their life.  Hell I’ve been through my share of ups and downs and still continue to go through them. The only difference now is when I feel something I don’t want to, I simply bring my AWARENESS back to what I WANT....

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This One Thing Will Help You Let Go Of A Toxic Relationship

This One Thing Will Help You Let Go Of A Toxic Relationship

In life we encounter many different people and as a result we form many different relationships.  Some of those relationships are easier to let go of and some you just want to hold onto even though they cause you pain.

The thing I realized about leaving a toxic, not so healthy relationship was that even though the writing was on the wall that things were getting bad, there was still a little voice that kept popping up in my head telling me maybe it was your fault after all, maybe if you did this differently or did that or maybe shouldn’t haven’t said that or maybe didn’t act that way, things would be different. And in some cases this awareness can be a good thing.

It brings light to the things that needs to be worked on within yourself first.  But when you constantly only find fault in yourself and recognize that it wasn’t all you, is when you are able to move on and let go in a healthy...

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Do This One Thing When You Feel Like Giving Up

When we make the decision to change something unpleasant in our lives, the things that are no longer fulfilling our souls, the steps to change can be very uncomfortable.  When we decide to end a toxic relationship, change jobs, recover from an addiction, or whatever else we are experiencing, we begin the process of growth. No one ever said personal development or transformation was easy.  In fact it is the most difficult thing to go through when you are ready for change.

Anytime we start this journey, the excitement is there, and the anticipation for something better is very much attractive.  The possibilities in life seem endless. Then it happens. It is as if it comes on suddenly and the wave of frustration and panic floods the body. Fear takes over the brain and paralyzes the mind.  

All of the progress and hard work already accomplished seems like nothing now.  It’s just easier to quit and go back to the way things were. The feelings of despair and...

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3 Ways to Use Affirmations To Claim Your Power And Boost Your Confidence

Affirmations offer a powerful way to create changes in your life. Affirmations are positive statements that help you focus your awareness on your ability to create what you want as well as expand your awareness of what you can have.

When I first heard about affirmations I didn’t believe they did anything.  With that said can you guess what happened? They never worked for me! I gave up on them before I could understand the true transformation they could provide. That is until I started working with them again but this time the results were so much better.

When you are around people that hurt you and disappoint you, your sense of self-esteem and confidence diminishes.  Whether it’s someone you’re in a relationship with, a co-worker, your boss or a parent it happens. And if you’re reading this and thinking, I have great confidence, my self-esteem is perfect then I hate to say you’re full of crap. Let’s get real here, we’ve all had...

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5 Tips to Accept and Surrender To A Situation

“Sometimes surrender means giving up trying to understand, and becoming comfortable with not knowing” Eckhart Tolle

Life can throw us situations, challenges and obstacles that we feel we have no control over.  We may feel overwhelmed, stuck and it looks as if there is no solution in sight. It seems as if our situation will last forever.  

We feel the need to control how things will happen and is left disappointed when more resistance and frustration happens.

During times of challenges and struggles is when personal growth happens.  

It is those times is when we learn the most about ourselves in order to get to our next level of awareness on this journey called LIFE.

As human beings, when things happen that we have no control over, it sends us into a vortex of emotions that makes us feel powerless. We fight against what is happening instead of going with the flow and accepting and surrendering to the situation at hand.

We block our growth from...

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4 Effective Ways to Build Your Gratitude Muscle

“The real gift of gratitude is that the more grateful you are, the more present you become” Robert Holden

What does it mean to be in a state of gratitude?  This is a topic I want to talk more about because lately some of my clients have been saying “Vita, how can I be grateful for anything when my whole life is falling apart?  I have nothing to be thankful for and nothing to look forward to.” Does that sound familiar? I know I’ve certainly uttered those same words and felt pretty much the same way.

It’s important to understand when working with the Law of Attraction, everything you create is in the present moment. What you send out, you get back.  When you live in a state of gratitude and look for things to appreciate on a daily basis, you will attract into your life more things to appreciate and feel grateful for.

When you are in a state of gratitude, you are in a state of present moment awareness. In that moment, is when you...

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