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Change Begins With This One Thing

Have you ever found yourself wanting to change something in your life but repeating the same old habits? You’re not alone.  Back in the days, I would get very clear in what I wanted to change but when it came down to it, I rarely ever did anything about it.  It was as if I was paralyzed in my own step and the only thing I did know was how to repeat the same old destructive patterns that kept me stuck.  In my mind I thought, well at least I had good intentions. Little did I know back then, that your intentions mean nothing unless you are willing to take the action steps after you get clear on what you want.

So what am I getting at today?  More often than not I see people struggling with certain situations and circumstances in their life.  Hell I’ve been through my share of ups and downs and still continue to go through them. The only difference now is when I feel something I don’t want to, I simply bring my AWARENESS back to what I WANT.  It’s so easy to say what you don’t like about something, but how often do we focus in on what we WANT rather than want we DO NOT want?

“Awareness is the greatest agent for change”. This is my absolute favorite quote by Eckhart Tolle. Take a moment to read that quote again, “awareness is the greatest agent for change.” Think about it for a second.  When you are going through something unpleasant, the moment you became aware that you don’t want to be where you are, is the moment where you hold all of your power.

It is the moment you can immediately shift where you are to where you want to be instead.  Being aware of how are you FEELING, and what you WANT instead, brings you back to your present moment and allows you to start the momentum of change.

You see, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have every detail figured out, it doesn’t matter if you have no idea HOW everything is going to unfold.

 The key is to become AWARE of when something isn’t working in your life and making the CONSCIOUS decision to make the shift in your thinking patterns to what you WANT instead.  

By finding ways to feel good (click here for 10 feel good journal prompts), by looking at the positive aspects in a situation, by feeling appreciation and gratitude for the simple things around you are all ways to connect you back to feeling good so you can focus on more of that.  

Next time you find yourself in a situation you would rather not be in, instead of focusing on how bad your situation is, stop for a minute, become AWARE of what you want and start the momentum in finding things to feel good about.  Make the conscious shift to awareness. It’s the little steps we take that make all the difference.

What are you aware of that needs changing?



Ps Sometimes it's hard to think about changing something when you're in a funk. As my gift to you, HERE are 10 FEEL GOOD Journal Prompts to help you get into a good feeling mood