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5 Tips to Accept and Surrender To A Situation

“Sometimes surrender means giving up trying to understand, and becoming comfortable with not knowing” Eckhart Tolle

Life can throw us situations, challenges and obstacles that we feel we have no control over.  We may feel overwhelmed, stuck and it looks as if there is no solution in sight. It seems as if our situation will last forever.  

We feel the need to control how things will happen and is left disappointed when more resistance and frustration happens.

During times of challenges and struggles is when personal growth happens.  

It is those times is when we learn the most about ourselves in order to get to our next level of awareness on this journey called LIFE.

As human beings, when things happen that we have no control over, it sends us into a vortex of emotions that makes us feel powerless. We fight against what is happening instead of going with the flow and accepting and surrendering to the situation at hand.

We block our growth from happening and then wonder why down the road we experience a similar challenge or obstacle.

The universe will keep handing us these challenges until we can grow from them and learn what needs to be addressed in our life.

So how can we accept and surrender to a situation that we don’t necessarily agree with? How can we sail through the challenge with confidence that this situation is a gift from the universe guiding us to a path of happiness?  

Tip #1:  The only thing you have control over is how you react to the situation and how you think and feel about it.  You ultimately have to let the situation run its course. As my teacher, the late Dr. Wayne Dyer has said: “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”.  

When you allow feelings of peace to radiate from inside out of you, you begin to come into acceptance of the situation which then allows for miracles to happen.

Tip #2:  Instead of focusing on the How’s and Why’s of the situation, focus on what’s working well.  What’s going right. Be appreciative of the things around you, even if it’s just taking a deep relaxing breath.  Appreciation and Gratitude is one of the highest vibrations in the universe. When you begin to appreciate everything around you, you start vibrating at that space and allow for more things to come into your life to be grateful for.

Create a Gratitude journal and write in it at least 10 things to be grateful for every day. As you practice this you will soon discover that the list of 10 things quickly increases as you look for things to appreciate throughout your day.

Tip #3: I AM Affirmations.  I AM affirmations are so powerful in changing negative thought habits. When you say it over and over again and even better, write down your I AM affirmations you are making a declaration to the universe that this is the truth. This is how it is. Statements such as I am happy, I am peaceful, I am blessed, begins to tell a new story of how you want it to be instead of what is currently happening. Remember, it’s important whenever you do affirmations to FEEL it as you say or write it and do it with conviction.  It is in the FEELING that you get the results you’re after. These affirmations are very useful when you find yourself thinking the thoughts that make you feel upset.

Tip #4: Bring yourself back to the present moment. When you find yourself starting to worry or get frustrated or feel anxiety because you have gone so far out into the future that you are now paralyzed with fear, bring yourself back to the present moment and reach for thoughts that feel better.

Look for the things to feel grateful for and focus on feeling good in that moment. Remember that whatever is happening is happening for your higher good even if you can’t seem to understand that now. When you align yourself with the peace and confidence that the universe has your back, you will no doubt be guided towards the path of happiness.

Tip #5: Have FAITH and TRUST.  This is a big one because most of have us have trouble trusting to begin with.  But this is the time to really make it your best friend. When you have an unshakable Faith in your ability to create what you want and Trust that everything you experience in life is guiding you towards a life of happiness you can sit back and enjoy the miracle that is enfolding in front of you.  

When you can understand that and know that you don’t have to know every step along that path, then you will be at the place of acceptance and surrender. And when you’re there you will know by the way you feel. You will feel at peace, you will have the utmost confidence to go through your days knowing you are divinely guided and you will receive an even better outcome than you could have ever possibly imagined.

So there you have it.  Next time life throws you a situation where you feel like the rug has been pulled out from under you and you feel like you’re stuck and you can’t ever get out of what’s going on, remember that it will pass and what will emerge will be better than before. Only in the darkness can light be seen.

“We become what we think about all day long.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

To help change your perspective on a situation through inspirational words, I have put together a beautiful inspirational quote book, with quotes from my favorite teachers that have helped me through my darkest times.

It's located in my FREE Resource Libary along with some other tools. (if you already have access to my free resource library you can log in with your existing username and password.

Your challenge for this week is to implement these 5 tips into your daily routine with at least one subject area in your life. Relax and have fun.



p.p.s: Are you experiencing heartbreak through a breakup? Looking for accountability and a community of women who knows what you're going through and is ALWAYS there for you?  Click HERE to Check out my affordable monthly coaching membership program full of live training videos on how to manage your emotions and thoughts, daily coaching and a supportive community you can turn to anytime..yes, literally anytime!