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4 Effective Ways to Build Your Gratitude Muscle

“The real gift of gratitude is that the more grateful you are, the more present you become” Robert Holden

What does it mean to be in a state of gratitude?  This is a topic I want to talk more about because lately some of my clients have been saying “Vita, how can I be grateful for anything when my whole life is falling apart?  I have nothing to be thankful for and nothing to look forward to.” Does that sound familiar? I know I’ve certainly uttered those same words and felt pretty much the same way.

It’s important to understand when working with the Law of Attraction, everything you create is in the present moment. What you send out, you get back.  When you live in a state of gratitude and look for things to appreciate on a daily basis, you will attract into your life more things to appreciate and feel grateful for.

When you are in a state of gratitude, you are in a state of present moment awareness. In that moment, is when you raise your vibration to allow the Law of Attraction to work with you instead of against you.  When you look for things to appreciate no matter what circumstance you find yourself in or who you are with, you can ALWAYS find something to appreciate. The fact that you have a roof over your head, the ability to see, smell, hear and touch, the way your friends make you laugh or the way your children make your heart sing are all things we take for granted but just imagine what it would be like without these things and you’d realize just how much you do have to appreciate in your life.

Most often when things aren’t going the way we would like them to, we put our focus on what’s causing us to feel bad.  We lose sight of the little things we can appreciate in our lives because all of our attention is focused on what’s not working right. The contrast in our lives is a great way to bring us back to the present moment.  It allows us to get clear on what we do what instead.

Gratitude is a deep sense of appreciation for the things we are able to see and touch as well as the feelings we experience.  Most people connect a state of gratitude with just the physical aspect of something. However gratitude can be felt in the feeling someone is experiencing.  It can be the feeling of peace, excitement, anticipation, love, joy and so many more positive expectations.

So what are some effective ways to build your gratitude muscles?

  1. Keep a gratitude journal and list 5 things each day that you appreciate
  2. Look for things to be grateful for every moment you get.  Whether it’s hitting every green light or finding that parking spot.  Whatever it is, make a habit of acknowledging how appreciative you are for it
  3. Be grateful for the feelings you’re experiencing…anticipation, excitement, joy, etc.  Even when you’re experiencing not so good feelings, feel appreciation for knowing that you have the ability to get clear on what it is you really want and how you want to feel
  4. Get in the habit of telling every person you meet something you appreciate about them.  If you feel comfortable writing it down then do so. The point is to notice that in every person there is something to appreciate

The bottom line is to look for things to appreciate in your life, big or small and notice how present you become as a result.  If you wait for things to be grateful for, most likely you will still be waiting for those things. The vibration you will be offering is one of wanting and wanting attracts more wanting.  By applying these simple little shifts into your routine, you will quickly notice changes in your life where you otherwise felt stuck.

Your challenge for today is to find 5 things you are thankful for.  



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