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5 Plus Tips to Help you Rock 2020

energy habits intention Jan 01, 2020

Hey there!

And just like that we're in 2020! Happy new year!  How many times have you heard that in the last few days?

Now we're here, so now what?

Have you written down your intentions for the new year?  have you created a list of habits to go hand in hand with those intentions?

Now is the time to start taking action.  Yes we have entered into a new year but really every moment is a moment to get closer to your desires. 

It just so happens that the beginning of the year is when people really start thinking about resetting their priorities in life. They start reevaluating their life. 

We so often think that we need to wait for THIS to happen before we can feel THIS.  The truth is when we keep the space of waiting, we create the energy for waiting.  And the things we want take longer to show up.

The real magic is being present and taking action towards what you want every day.  Not waiting for something to happen to feel good. 


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How to Create what you want


Hey there!

Hope you're having a fabulous week so far.  And if you're not, don't worry, I've got just the thing for you!

Earlier this week i was coaching a student of mine.  She acted out of impulse during a recent fight with her partner.  Every bone in her body advised her not to do what she did but her thoughts said something different.  

Instead of taking the time to align her thoughts and her emotions, she acted out based on her thoughts and now her relationship is in jeopardy. 

She kept saying to me, I want this, how do i create this, I want that, how do i create that?. Now this student knows very well the manifestation process.  She was committed to the process right after her divorce and she created so many wonderful things in her life for herself and for her kids. But do you know where she tripped up?

She STOPPED PRACTICING being aware of her thoughts and feelings.  Things went so well for her that she...

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Do This One Thing When You Feel Like Giving Up

When we make the decision to change something unpleasant in our lives, the things that are no longer fulfilling our souls, the steps to change can be very uncomfortable.  When we decide to end a toxic relationship, change jobs, recover from an addiction, or whatever else we are experiencing, we begin the process of growth. No one ever said personal development or transformation was easy.  In fact it is the most difficult thing to go through when you are ready for change.

Anytime we start this journey, the excitement is there, and the anticipation for something better is very much attractive.  The possibilities in life seem endless. Then it happens. It is as if it comes on suddenly and the wave of frustration and panic floods the body. Fear takes over the brain and paralyzes the mind.  

All of the progress and hard work already accomplished seems like nothing now.  It’s just easier to quit and go back to the way things were. The feelings of despair and...

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