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3 Magical Questions That Will Shift Your Thinking

As I look back on my past week, I realized that it was a week full of lessons thrown my way.  I was reminded once again to stand my ground, feel more love, less anger, and have unshakable faith in my belief system and vision. What a week, right?!

I am a big believer in creating your own path.  Aligning our thoughts and our feelings to create the future we want. Sometimes though, life still hands you experiences that need your attention in order to get to the next step.  This week proved that I still had some work to do in some areas of my life.

When you think of someone being bullied do you think of middle school, high school or even elementary school kids?  That’s what immediately pops into my mind when I hear the term bully. Merriam-Webster’s definition of a “bully” says “to treat someone in a cruel, insulting, threatening or aggressive fashion; to cause someone to do something by means of force or coercion”.  Now what...

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