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5 Tips To Help You Move On From Your Marriage

So your marriage just ended.  Now what? Aside from losing your partner in crime, your best friend, you now have to establish a new mode of living.  From organizing your home, possibly moving, and trying to hide the memories of what once was, the divorce process is a roller coaster of emotions.

Some days are harder than others.  Songs that come on the radio, shows that you use to watch together, friends that you use to hang out with, are now behind you.

How can you go from intertwining your life with someone to feeling so alone and alienated?  For your friends and family that have never been through this process, they will never understand what you’re going through.  No matter how hard they try, no one gets it unless you’ve been through it.  It’s just one of those things in life that you have to experience in order to fully get it.

Moving on from your marriage is more than just moving on from your marriage.  It’s a little...

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This One Thing Will Help You Let Go Of A Toxic Relationship

This One Thing Will Help You Let Go Of A Toxic Relationship

In life we encounter many different people and as a result we form many different relationships.  Some of those relationships are easier to let go of and some you just want to hold onto even though they cause you pain.

The thing I realized about leaving a toxic, not so healthy relationship was that even though the writing was on the wall that things were getting bad, there was still a little voice that kept popping up in my head telling me maybe it was your fault after all, maybe if you did this differently or did that or maybe shouldn’t haven’t said that or maybe didn’t act that way, things would be different. And in some cases this awareness can be a good thing.

It brings light to the things that needs to be worked on within yourself first.  But when you constantly only find fault in yourself and recognize that it wasn’t all you, is when you are able to move on and let go in a healthy...

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How To Know When It’s Time To Let Go Of A Friendship

If you have ever experienced personal growth you’ll know it’s not easy.  Every experience we choose to grow with, every situation that evolves, there comes expansion.  Sometimes that expansion means leaving behind people that no longer resonate with you.

While that in itself is a scary thought, you have to trust that everything is happening the way it should.  As you grow as an individual and enhance your life experiences through the lessons you learn, you will notice that some people make it with you on your journey and some of them don’t.  

The people that make it on this ride with you are the people that make you feel good, that you feel joy, happiness and expansion. You navigate challenges and obstacles together with ease.  There is support, love and a feeling of security. Then there are people where you might feel a sense of disconnect, lack and instability.

Throughout my journey, I have encountered some beautiful experiences with...

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