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5 Plus Tips to Help you Rock 2020

energy habits intention Jan 01, 2020

Hey there!

And just like that we're in 2020! Happy new year!  How many times have you heard that in the last few days?

Now we're here, so now what?

Have you written down your intentions for the new year?  have you created a list of habits to go hand in hand with those intentions?

Now is the time to start taking action.  Yes we have entered into a new year but really every moment is a moment to get closer to your desires. 

It just so happens that the beginning of the year is when people really start thinking about resetting their priorities in life. They start reevaluating their life. 

We so often think that we need to wait for THIS to happen before we can feel THIS.  The truth is when we keep the space of waiting, we create the energy for waiting.  And the things we want take longer to show up.

The real magic is being present and taking action towards what you want every day.  Not waiting for something to happen to feel good. 

Start showing up for yourself.

Go after the things you want. 

Get clear on what you want, and then create the habits to help you get there. 

Without a set of habits you won't have the focus to stay on path to your desires.

Be fully engaged in your life. 

Notice when your thoughts aren't serving you. 

Notice when you're not feeling good. 

Notice when you're giving your energy to other people and situations.

Practice being in alignment with your energy. 

We all want something for a reason right? Think about what you want and then think about the feeling that thing will bring you.

Then start doing the things to help you connect with that feeling.

Don't think you need the thing right off the bat to feel good. Feel good now and connect with the feeling you want.

That's why those habits come in handy. To help you stay focused on what you want. 

It's not selfish to want what you want.  You want it for a reason, so believe it will be yours..

Set yourself up this year to really live and go after what you want.

Don't get caught up in the things that bring you down or the struggles you encounter.

Be bolder and braver.

How are you showing up each day? Be intentional with your thoughts and emotions.

It's ok to not feel good sometimes. 

Struggle and pain might show up.  

But staying there too long isn't going to get you what you want.

Keep practicing your habits of feeling good, staying focused and in those dark moments you will find your light.

You've got this.  Dream big and then create the habits to help you get there. 

What are you excited about? What do you want for yourself in 2020? How do you want to live your life, what do you want to experience this year?

I'm here with you my friend.  As always, if you need help check out for FREE resources on helping you connect with your energy, your life and your goals.

Much love,