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The Power of Intention and Energy


Two weeks ago I had the honor of mentoring, speaking, and meditating with 120 girls at the Girls Going Places Conference. 

Girls Going Places is an organization that teaches financial and entrepreneurial skills to girls ages 12-18. Some of these girls come from hardships within their families.

The day before the event, all the mentors were invited to a mentor orientation meeting. Right before the orientation, I set my intention to make an impact on these girls and to have them take away that they have the potential to achieve their dreams no matter what.

When I walked in, the director of the program greeted me and asked me if I could lead the upcoming event with a grounding meditation. Of course, I said yes!  Little did she know that before I got there I set my intention with my own meditation to help these girls tune into their own light.

On the day of the event, all of the mentors were assigned an original group of girls that we would sit with during the event. 

The girls in my group were all 12 years old.  They were ready to soak up the day! 

After completing some fun activities with my group of girls, all of the mentors went around each table and sat for 10 minutes with the other girls in attendance.

As I went around to each table, all of them commented on how relaxed they felt after the meditation and how they were going to do more of it on their own 🥰.

As I talked with them, I shared how my High Vibers in the Lounge are manifesting epic things in spite of the challenges that show up for them. Their eyes lit up and I could see their little minds tuning into what is possible for them 🙌🏽. They were feeling inspired and capable!

After the interviews, we took a lunch break and ate with the girls at our table. After lunch, all the mentors were asked to leave the room and the girls were given a box with a bunch of different items. Their job was to work together to come up with a product using the items inside the box. 

After 20 minutes we were asked to go back into the room.  When I saw what the girls came up with, I couldn't help but smile.

This was something they came up with on their own with no coaching from me or the other mentors.

Watch their presentation video above. They were nervous but they did a great job!

Did you catch the name of their company? What did you notice?

What the girls didn't know, was in their swag bag, my business partners and I gifted them with a makeup bag, a journal, a mirror with an affirmation attached so they could see it when they opened up the compact, and a list of affirmations to help them increase their confidence and self-esteem. Also included was a postcard. Peep the postcard pic above. 

They didn't have access to their swag bag during the event. That was handed out after the event.

At the end of the day when they opened their swag bag, their mouths dropped open. The look on their faces made my heart expand.  My alignment with these girls was divinely guided.

My intention that day was to make an impact on these girls and to leave them with something that would change their lives for the better. I would say with the big hugs they gave me, I did that along with the energy of my High Vibers. 

Your intention and energy matters. Get into alignment with that and you never know whose life you're going to change when you show up with more mindfulness and positive intentions.