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What you send out will always come back to you

When people think of their purpose here on this planet, they think their contribution has to be a big one, like Oprah, Mother Teresa, or Gandhi. 

But such is not the case. Sometimes your purpose shows up with the little things. Often in the things, you take for granted.

That's why bringing present-moment awareness throughout your day will help you see the impact you have on others.

Last week I spent an entire day mentoring, speaking and meditating with 120 girls ages 12-18 for a Girls Going Places conference. (I'll share more about that experience in the weeks to can't make this up!)

The director of the program invited the mentors to dinner the day before the event.

As we finished up our dinner, the waitress brought out cannolis for everyone at our table. We didn't order cannolis.  We all looked at each other with a wtf expression.

She pointed to the director and said, "The guy sitting behind her bought you guys these cannolis because he read the message on her shirt and it was exactly what he needed to hear...he said thank you."


We all remembered the guy that was sitting there. He was an older guy and he was on his phone most of the time. 

That message made an impact on him and he took that with him for whatever he was going through that night.

I tell my high-vibers all the never know whose world you're going to change for the better with the little things that you do.

Who knew a message on a T-shirt would have impacted someone so much....but it did. And it also impacted the director to shift her thoughts as she was also struggling with unexpected twists and turns in organizing the event.  She wore that shirt to spread kindness to others but it also helped her when she needed it.

You never know what someone is going through.

Be mindful of how you show up throughout your day.