Ever feel frozen in place when it comes to taking action on your dreams on goals??


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  • Are you an overthinker?
  • How about a people pleaser?
  • Do you let your fears get the best of you?
  • Worry about what people think?
  • Do you know what you want, but when it comes to taking action the excuses pile up as to why you can't "do the thing" now?
  • Feel like you don't have everything you need to get started?
  • Are you waiting for the right time to take action?
  • Do you feel like you lack confidence and you'll end up feeling stupid if you make the wrong move?
  • Do you let other people's limiting beliefs determine what steps to take next?
  • Feel like your dream or goal is impossible to reach so why bother?
  • Do you get distracted easily and lose focus on what you want, putting other people and things first?
  • Do you start things but fail to complete them because life gets in the way?
  • Do you question and second-guess yourself and your desires?
  • Are you waiting to have something first before taking action on your dreams and goals?
  • Are you constantly surviving the moments hoping something will change?
  • Are you settling for things because you don't believe you can have what you want?
  • Do you self-sabotage and fall back into old patterns because it's comfortable?
  • Are you afraid to step out of your comfort zone?
  • Do you give up easily when things aren't working in your favor, going back to old patterns that you know aren't serving you?
  • Do you feel stuck and unmotivated to make the changes you know you need to make?
  • Ever feel like you have to figure everything out on your own?
  • Do you have something that you want to achieve but it stays in your head waiting for the right opportunity to come by?
  • Do you find yourself saying that you trust and have faith but there's still fear around what you want to achieve?



You Can Manifest your Big Goals and Wildest Dreams

Take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale out through your nose slowly

Now imagine a world where you get to direct what happens and you’re in control of the reactions you have to your experiences.

Where the feeling of freedom radiates within each cell of your body.  Where there are no limitations and lack.

Think about a feeling of abundance where everything you need is accessible and things are taken care of for you.

Now connect to the feeling of freedom, joy, and abundance. Let those feelings tingle throughout your body.

Where the feeling you want is never out of reach, all you have to do is cultivate it by thinking about it and letting it spread throughout your entire body.

Feel how good that feels. To have no limitations. To know that you're equipped to handle anything that comes your way, effortlessly and with ease.

Think about what you want, your goals and dreams, and extract the feelings from that. How will having that make you feel?

Now visualize a tree outside. A beautiful vibrant tree. See that tree in all its details and from its branches, you notice hanging feelings, like ornaments on a Christmas tree. You see happiness, joy, abundance, fear, disappointment worthlessness, and so on.

Knowing that you have the freedom to choose, go ahead and reach for the feelings you want to achieve.

Which branch would you choose on a day to day basis?

You’re probably going to choose the ones that make you feel good right? 

With the Law of Deliberate creation, you can. You get to choose your emotional state.

No one else can do that for you. Sometimes it feels like other people make you feel a certain way but the fact is you get to choose your reactions and how you think and feel when things are not working out for you.

Just imagine how incredible life would be, how much more meaningful it would be knowing that you get to mold your outcomes by being intentional with your reactions, thoughts, and emotions.

You have the power to manifest your biggest goals and wildest dreams this way.

By generating the feeling of what you want, detaching from the outcomes, and allowing experiences to come to you in ways your conscious mind couldn't have come up with before. 

This is possible for you. By learning the art of Self-Mastery you are gifted with abilities to navigate challenges by learning from them and using them as a stepping stone to reach your goals.

Understanding that those challenges are here to help you on your journey through life. 

Imagine what life would be like if you struggled less and felt more peace and freedom?

  • Was able to connect to your own inner guidance system
  • Feel more confident in the decisions you make, knowing it's a win-win for you either way
  • Stop caring about what other people think
  • Have an F it attitude  that keeps you energized and focused on what matters to you

You are meant to live a purpose-filled life.


But here's what's keeping you stuck

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You're giving your focus and attention to the lack in your life, believing that you have to figure everything out on your own.

If you can’t figure it out yourself then you assume it’s not going to happen.

You get distracted and lose focus eventually giving up, taking an “it is what it is attitude.”

And that’s not your truth.

Life is a journey.  Your goals and dreams are part of that journey.

It's the icing on your cake. It makes it so much richer and sweeter.

You get to create the life of your dreams.  This show is for you.

And the way you achieve your goals and your dreams is by ebbing and flowing with what comes your way using your tools to help you get stronger to acquire everything you want in this lifetime.

You’re not meant to suffer and you’re not being punished.

You’re being called to step into the energy of what you want, raising your vibration to become a magnet in attracting experiences that give you the feeling of what you want.

Everything you want has a feeling behind it, the WHY, you want it behind it. 

Understanding the power of your thoughts and emotions while healing the parts of you that have been stuck from past experiences that prevent you from taking action moving forward.

The reason you feel stuck is that there are parts of you calling for your attention to be seen and heard.

Those parts are trying to help you the best way it knows how and that's to keep you protected by not taking action.


It’s safe when you stay in your comfort zone, isn't it.

You feel like you can control things from that space.

But what you’re actually doing is giving off an energy that says you don’t really believe that you can have what you want, which ultimately gives your power away to other people and situations, creating life by default instead of in a space of deliberate creation. 

You're making a statement to the Universe that says you're not good enough and you don't trust that you can have what you want.

When you lean on tools that empower you and you connect to your internal guidance system aka your intuition, you’re never doing life alone and you’re divinely guided at all times. There are invisible Laws just like gravity that support you. You don't have to believe in gravity for it to work. It works no matter what.

  • The Law of Attraction
  • The Law of Deliberate Creation
  • The Law of Detachment
  • The Law of Allowing
  • The Law of Sufficiency and Abundance

These are some examples of these laws that will help you when you learn how to use them to your advantage instead of using them by default, attracting experiences that keep you in a loop.

Your goals and dreams are here for an appointed time


The way to manifest them into your life is by TAKING ACTION from an inspired place and extracting the good feelings of the moments you experience while healing the stuck parts of you as you make those moves.

Having a foundation of tools to rely on and a guidance system to help you navigate your path.

You are already equipped with an internal guidance system to help you through life’s challenges.

When you tune into it, you make decisions that help move you forward.

When you encounter challenges, your guidance system helps you use those challenges as fuel to create momentum in bringing what you want to you.

It is your lighthouse shining a path for you. 

  • You have the power to TAKE ACTION toward your goals and your dreams.

We live in a Universe that speaks the language of vibration. 

The secret to getting what you want is learning how to fine-tune your vibration, and frequency to attract the frequency of what you want. You do that by:

  • Getting crystal clear about what you want
  • Detaching from the outcome and connecting more to the essence, the feeling of what you want
  • Learning how to regulate your nervous system to get out of fight or flight mode through specific breathing exercises 
  • Tuning into your internal Divine Guidance system aka your gut, intuition

  • Understanding the Universal Laws surrounding you and our Universe

  • Learning how to be less reactive and more intentional with your energy   
  • Learn how to TRUST: To Rely Upon Spirit Totally

Your goals and dreams give you purpose. It's for you.

Your job is to navigate your thoughts and feelings by taking ACTION in the direction of things that make you feel good and with purpose.

It's heartbreaking to live life on autopilot and not go after your dreams. 

The things that give you a ZEST for life awaken the real you.

You can manifest a life that you love in this lifetime.

It doesn't matter what you've been through.  

It’s ok to feel the negative emotions as long as you take the time to acknowledge and process the parts of you that want to be heard and seen instead of keeping you stuck by staying in the same routines and habits that do not help you move.

"Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over and expecting different results"  Albert Einstein

You've had enough, and it's time to admit that you're tired and exhausted from working hard only to find yourself back in the same frustrating situations

You are being called to step into a new you

  • You are meant to be happy
  • You are made to accomplish your goals and dreams
  • Everything happens FOR you and not TO you
  • Energy has a ripple effect and is contagious, by shining your light you help others at the same time
  • You have a purpose in this lifetime and you are meant to for big things

I'm Vita!


Growing up I felt like I was meant for more. But my father's alcoholism took up most of my energy.

I didn't know how I was going to be able to reach any of my dreams with the challenges I faced.

But in my darkest moments, I kept dreaming, with an unshakable trust and faith that anchored me down when I felt like I was losing control.

After going through a painful divorce, I was called to step into the life I dreamed about.

I was forced to walk my talk and let go of feeling defeated and worthless.

The challenges I've been through left me wanting to give up and not exist anymore but there was always a whisper that said "keep going, you're meant for more."

What helped me through my suffering, was committing to my personal growth and strengthening my partnership with Spirit.

This Spirit allows our body to function without us thinking about it. The Spirit allows us to create other human beings and to heal ourselves when we get hurt.

We are all here for a reason and we are divinely protected and guided at all times.

I am reminded of that all the time.

As a reminder for you, go out and look up into the sky, and soak up the infinite wonder of possibilities and abundance of the Universe.

You are part of that wonder and can connect to it as well.

You can learn how to fine-tune your frequency to become more magnetic to the experiences you desire.

And when crap hits the fan, you'll have the tools to get you back on track faster. 


You're meant to live a happy, fulfilled, and satisfying life.

Here are your options:

A. you can keep doing what you've been doing, playing tug of war with your energy, your vibration, hoping something changes and you'll finally get what you want OR

B. You can be a High Vibing Manifestor by learning how to raise your vibration to become the frequency of your goals and dreams.  Where you have the manifesting and breathing tools, in a supportive environment that helps you get out of your comfort zone and into Action taking mode. 

Imagine being on an accelerated growth path where you're manifesting what you want and even better.

I believe everything in my life, good and bad has led me to where I am today and I want to show you what's possible for you too.

If you're ready to feel worthy, have a strong belief system that guides you, have more control over your reactions, thoughts, feelings and actions, feeling more confident with zest and vibrancy for life, then I invite you to take a leap and TRUST.

Friedrich Nietzsche said, “you yourself will always be the worst enemy you can encounter; you yourself lie in wait for yourself in caves and forests.”

You have more power than you think. 

I will show you how To Rely Upon Spirit Totally as you learn more about yourself through personal growth to manifest the life of your dreams.


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